During December UGSR were alerted to George by one of our committee. George is 6 years and an entire dog. A piece on Facebook showed a Gordon Setter sitting and then asleep on a mat, the heading read URGENT FOSTER (Ireland) the information said George was a purebred Gordon Setter who is being surrendered because he’s no good as a hunting dog. His current owners took him on a month ago with the promise that he would be useful in the field….but, nope,……George was , quote, ‘to hunting what bicycles are to fish’. The piece went on to say that George was a lovely placid boy with a great temperament. He had been living outside so it wasn’t known whether he was house-trained. The request on Facebook was for a safe and warm haven until George could travel to a rescue organisation – about three weeks. A rescue address in Galway was given. As you can imagine lots of people saw the pictures and information about George and made offers and comments.
At one point it was said he was on ‘death row’ in a pound. Once we read this and with no bona fide information being given on Facebook about the progress of care for George, UGSR had no option to make our own enquiries through Dorothy Park, our representative in Northern Ireland. As a result of her contacts, Dorothy was soon able to speak to George’s owner. He was not in a Pound at all. The owner had had ‘phone calls about the dog and offers for him. When Dorothy explained who she was, how she could help and when (which was the same day) the owner agreed that his care should be in the hands of United Gordon Setter Rehome and Support and that he would be collected that day. This is what happened and George was taken to safe kennels for the time being. In the meantime, UGSR carefully looked through the diary of homes. We had a home who had been waiting some time took which took our eye for George, It was on a narrow boat moored in the Midlands.
UGSR has re-homed several dogs, at one time a brother and sister on a boat, and all of them have had very happy lives with company all the time. Anthony Burke was asked to visit the couple, whose Irish had died a few months before, and his report back was that this would be a perfect home for George. Arrangements were made, George’s place was booked on transport from Ireland with an Irish Setter. His passport details were put in place, he was washed and trimmed and ready to go! What a good boy he was, George travelled overnight in a large crate, clean bedding with water next to the Irish, we have a lovely photograph. On the day he arrived his new owners met him, he jumped in to their car and was soon off to the canal, where he hopped onto the boat, had a sniff round like Gordons do, ate some breakfast and then fell fast asleep on a new white vet bed with a new teddy watching over him. He has never looked back and we have photos of him running through the snow and thoroughly enjoying himself. George’s new owner sends regular updates and says he has settled in so well, plays games with the ball and just fits in and is already much loved. A re-home UGSR have enjoyed very much being a part of.